Heard of a little free-to-play game called Fortnite? Odds are your nephew, niece, or any other relative under the age of 15 for that matter, likely has. The game is still proving so popular, in fact, that today Sony has announced that PlayStation 4 will be receiving three more console bundles tied in with Epic’s colourful Battle Royale phenomenon. As with prior Fortnite bundles, these new arrivals will be the only way for players to pick up new exclusive in-game cosmetic items for a limited time.
Each of the three new Fortnite PS4 bundles will arrive in the UK and Europe on July 24th at select retailers, each centring around the new “Neo Versa” cosmetic set. The breakdown for what’s included in all three bundles are detailed below:
Fortnite Neo Versa PS4 Slim bundle: Features a jet-black 500GB PlayStation 4 Slim system, a matching Dualshock 4 wireless controller, and an exclusive code for the Epic Neo Versa Outfit, the Epic Neo Phrenzy Back Bling, and 2,000 V-Bucks.
Fortnite Neo Versa PS4 Slim bundle with 2 x Dualshock 4 controllers: Features a jet-black 500GB PlayStation 4 Slim system, two matching Dualshock 4 wireless controllers, and an exclusive code for the Epic Neo Versa Outfit, the Epic Neo Phrenzy Back Bling, and 2,000 V-Bucks.
Fortnite Neo Versa PS4 Pro bundle: Features a jet-black 1TB PlayStation 4 Pro system, a matching Dualshock 4 wireless controller, and an exclusive code for the Epic Neo Versa Outfit, the Epic Neo Phrenzy Back Bling, and 2,000 V-Bucks.

Of course, with Fortnite already being a free-to-play game, these bundles would likely suit anyone that’s either yet to jump into the PS4 eco-system and wants to enjoy some extras, or players wanting to upgrade from their original launch PS4 to a Slim or from a Slim to the 4K-ready Pro console. As far as Fortnite cosmetic items go Neo Versa does look very swanky (in a futuristic kind of way), but we predict that these exclusives will be made available to all a little later down the line.
Want to grab one of the new Fortnite Neo Versa PS4 bundles for yourself? All are available to pre-order ahead of release from any one of these great retailers: