Code Vein
Code Vein cheapest deals and lowest prices

Code Vein cheapest deals and lowest prices

Find the best deals on Code Vein for Xbox One, PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4. We compare 21 deals (starting from £4.70) across every edition offered by our partner retailers.

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Developed and published by Bandai Namco makers of Dynasty Warriors, Soulcalibur and Tekken – Code Vein is a new post-apocalyptic third-person action game set within a ravaged dystopia. Take on the role of a vampire striving to survive, taking down enemies with your collection of supernatural abilities and other special gifts.

Code Vein has been described as “a story driven connected dungeon experience”, indicating how your primary method of quelling your bloodthirst as being simply by traversing from dungeon to dungeon. Each one is stacked with unique problems to solve and obstacles to overcome, letting you train as a bigger, badder and more stylish vampiric adventurer.

Make the dystopian Earth your playground

It’s not often that a game sets you off as your very own vampire within a war-torn open world that is freely explorable. What’s more, Code Vein takes this concept even further by letting you customize your character – both in terms of appearance and playstyle – to fit the specific way you want to play. Choose from dozens of gifts that can increase such attributes as attack, strength and health, all while making the dilapidated landscape your sandbox.

Challenging bosses that test your skill

Code Vein’s willingness to let you swap out and change these various abilities however you see fit will expertly come in handy when facing one of the game’s bosses. These myriad of combat options allow you to play to your strengths, casting powerful attacks and weakening these giant beings in a way that looks cool and feels great to pull off.

Code Vein boss

Code Vein co-op

Take on quests together in online co-op

While there’ll always be a cast of AI characters to accompany you on your journey, each with their own background and combat skills, Code Vein lets you tackle quests with friends online. Up to four of you can go out it and ace as many dungeons as possible within the allotted time limit, rendering Code Vein a third-person action epic best experienced solo and with others.

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