Resident Evil 4 Remake cheapest deals and lowest prices

Resident Evil 4 Remake cheapest deals and lowest prices

Find the best deals on Resident Evil 4 Remake for PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S. We compare 52 deals (starting from £17.09) across every edition offered by our partner retailers.

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Resident Evil 4 Remake, a masterpiece brought back to the forefront on PS5, Xbox Series X|S and PC

Resident Evil 4 is the best of the series for many fans, Capcom is clearly aware of this as following the success of the ground-up remakes of Resident Evil 2 and 3, Resident Evil 4 is going to be getting the same glorious treatment. Players will be reassuming the role of U.S agent Leon Kennedy from Resident Evil 2 as he embarks on a mission to rescue Ashley Graham, the daughter of the President of the United States. Ashley has been kidnapped by a cult that has been tracked to rural Spain. This deranged cult is worshipping an ancient parasite named Las Plagas and it's Leon's job to take on the hordes of infected villagers plagued by this mind-controlling parasite, and save Ashley.

A 2023 version of Resident Evil 4 will feature all the things we've come to expect from Capcom with these remakes, graphics will be up to standard for current-gen flagship consoles the PS5 and Xbox Series X, gameplay will be modernised to match what we'd expect today and of course, Capcom is going to be making some tweaks to the story to keep returning fans and players new to the experience guessing. Enjoy the reimagining of one of the best survival horror titles of all time when it released March 24th on Xbox Series X|S, PS5 and PC, and of course find the best deals and prices on all platforms right here on

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A new coat of paint to make the experience even more terrifying than before

By updating the aesthetic of Resident Evil 4 Capcom is looking to make the remake even scarier than its progenitor. Upgraded visuals and new jumpscares are sure to get the hearts racing of those who played the original game and those who are experiencing the story for the first time. We've already seen the RE Engine's power and are excited about how it will bring Resident Evil 4 into 2023. We're glad to see that this game is also exclusively on PS5, Xbox Series S|X and PC which would indicate that graphically this should be the most impressive remake to date with Capcom not having to optimise for previous generation consoles.

Gameplay Improvements to bring Resident Evil 4 into the current generation

One of the most significant selling points of these remakes Capcom has been doing is that they modernise gameplay to bring it up to the standard we now expect. Improving controls and adding new options to take different game stages really enhances the experience and makes these ground-up remakes worth the price tag. Resident Evil 4 Remake will offer a combination of pulling your nostalgia strings and offering a far superior version of the game released back in 2005. One of these examples is being able to move whilst aiming, yes this was not the case in the original! Leon will also be able to crouch and cover allowing for a more stealthy approach to taking down infected and saving your precious ammunition for boss encounters.

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